So last week I was off to a two day class called Corn College sounds corny right. Well it was very much so I learned so much about the most important crop in the world my head hurt. You all know I'm obsessed with my job but I don't think I've ever told a lot of you why. I know you think it is because of all the cool and expensive toys I have the privelge to operate but honestly as much fun as they are the trucks, tractors, and combine are simply just a tool a means to an end something to accomplish the real goal that drives me. That goal that really gets me out of bed in the morning is actually fullfilling some of your most important and basic needs in life.
This brings me back to Corn it is the most wonderful plant god has ever given us because it is so versitile. The uses of it are astounding yes it is an important part of the food chain somewhat as food for us and more so as feed for the many delicious animals that we have for dinner but it doesnt even begin to stop there. Lesser known gifts from the wonder plant are biodegradeable plastics, corn syrup sweeteners that are used more than surgar itself, and ethanol wich is a very important begining step to freeing ourselves from dependence of our enemies in the middle east.
So why am I here rambling right now it is due to the inspiration of a very wise coloumnist who actually is from very close to here. As our dinner speaker the first evening of corn college he drove home many important points in the same entertaining way John does in his columns but the last point was as seroius as a heart attack. We the american farmer Will Deliver and we need to let the nation know that.
It is time for the hold that pessimisim has had on farmers since the depression to stop. All my life I have been subjected too the same bull that i'm sure you are tired of too. It goes kinda like this poor us, you city slickers have no appreciation for poor us in the country, we have it so tough we need to tell our story to washington more and they will save us blah blah. So what yes I have tough days so do you it happens to all of us. Truck drivers, Construction workers, Corporate excutives, Telemarketers, we all have our challenges. It floors me how these old crabby farmers spend nine months here growing their crop and constantly complaining and then drive their cadillac's to florida to whine down there in the warm sun for the other three months of the year. (I have a hard time feelin for them how about you).
So heres a new message for the world I have to credit it to John Phipps but its always been in mine and many other progressively thinking farmers hearts and minds for a long time. Yes it is that WE WILL DELIVER. Every day I hear the debate food versus fuel blah blah blah, well friends my fellow farmers and I are going to bring you both. History shows that Farmers have always over produced. Every time there has ben the need it has been overly met. We all need to read between the lines of the constant negative media drum beat we are subjected to about bio fuels and agriculture. Myself and many others in the industry have made it our life mission to make sure there is plenty for all the world Food AND Fuel. I can tell you in my personal quest to keep my self informed and on the cutting edge I go to many meetings through the year and I have seen the future at these meetings. Seed, equipment, and technology companies have some very exciting ( if not miraculous) stuff in the very near future that will enable us to take production through the roof and we are more than ready every day to use these tools to meet the needs of an food and energy hungry world.
Of course this can get screwed very easily up just get the government, environmentalist wacko's, or the United Nations involved and before you know it we'll be hungry, unable to drive any where , and worst of allfund the stupidity with tax money. So next time some self proclaimed expert says we can't do it my advice is to brush it of for the flawed retoric that it is.
Just mark my words as a proud Agricultural Producer
Thanks for listening Todd