Sunday, May 3, 2009

Moon lighting as a Farm Bureau CropWatcher

I wish I could say we got to plant something but with exception of Kelly's beans in the garden mother nature hasn't allowed us to let the corn out of the bag yet. I volunteered to take over our neighbor John Hurst's cropwatcher column for the Farm Bureau's Farm Week publication and will post these on here also to keep non subscribers updated on what is going on around the farm. Here's the first one and my mug shot by Ken Kashian. This is what I sent in to them the published verson has some editing from them to introduce me that I doubt is necessary here.
Todd Easton Coles County May 1 2009: Greetings from Coles County I will be the new crop watcher for our area. I hope to maintain the high standard of reporting that John Hurst established before me. Like in many other areas around the state things were looking pretty good in the last part of March. Almost all of the fertilizer that didn’t get applied last fall due to the late season was finally put on the ground and everyone was anxiously waiting for the soil to warm up. Since then we have received a lot of April showers and the only planting window we have had was over the last weekend. Several producers got a small start on corn planting while the rest held off in anticipation of the rains that brought us a short inch. Now it looks like if we get lucky enough to miss the forecasted rains it will still be middle of next week before the planters roll again. Once again I look forward to reporting this year as it unfolds and wish everyone a safe and productive one.

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