Thursday, May 20, 2010

Crop Watcher week four - Think Dry (for now)

picture from top of leg to the west shows the young corn crop and the new county road being constructed in the far west as it prepares to discect the farm in a couple years.

Todd Easton Coles County May 21 2010: Planting progress was very minimal across the county in the last week. A few planters and toolbars got started back up last Friday joined by several more on Saturday until light mid afternoon rain halted progress once again. Sunday and Monday brought more precipitation accumulating to around 1.5” followed by more light rain that came on Thursday just as fields had just started graying off on top. The corn crop is looking pretty good approaching the V4 stage in some of the earlier plantings but would still be better off if some steady warmth would show up. Soybeans that were planted in the beginning of the first big push a couple of weeks ago are just emerging this week and look to have good stands. Until next week keep thinking dry weather thoughts (short term) and maybe we can still wrap up this planting season before June.

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