Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Crop Watcher week four - Getting There

Todd Easton Coles County May 19 2011: It has been another week of hard work for producers as planters cultivators and sprayers continue to move at a fast pace. Even though we did have a small break over the weekend due to a half inch of precipitation everyone is getting close wrapping up corn planting with about 85 to 90 percent of the crop in the ground. Bean planters have started in and moved pretty fast getting over a third of that crop in the ground the past few days. As far as crop growth goes the warmth and sunshine earlier in the week helped perk up the early April planted corn and bring some of the May planted corn acres out of the ground. I also saw one field of beans that I didn’t even know was planted emerged and already at the V1 stage. Once again the forecast is promising rain this weekend but if it doesn’t add up to much like last weekend than planting should be getting close to done by next report keep your fingers crossed.

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