Monday, June 13, 2011

Crop Watcher 06/03/11

Todd Easton Coles County June 3 2011: It has been a good week in the fields as they seem to get noticeably greener every day. Last week after the rain it looked like there were going to be many drowned out areas in practically every field. Astonishingly the water went away relatively quickly and with the help of the cooler temperatures in the days after the rain the water damage was minimal to what it could have been. Sprayers and side dress applicators are running hard in fast growing corn fields with some of the early fields approaching V5 maturity. Soybean fields also had a good week as most of them have emerged with real good stands. There have been some trouble spots though mostly in the southern part of the county and rotary hoes have been in the fields to help the beans break through the crust.

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