Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cropwatcher 6-19-09 the deluge continues

I think this crop is being waterboarded.
Todd Easton Coles County June 19 2009: It just keeps coming rain rain and more rain. We have accumulated 2” between Tuesday and Thursday Rains here in central Coles County . Herbicide and Fertilizer Applicators have been sitting on the side lines as their window of opportunity gets narrower each day. This last front was pretty fierce and did a good job of laying down a lot of our shallow rooted corn crop. Similar to last year the low spots are looking sick yellow and stressed the main difference is these spots are much bigger this year. Soybeans are still not all planted but what has been is coming out of the ground everywhere but in the drowned out spots and is looking to have a good initial stand. Rain makes grain seems to be stuck in the mindset of the CBOT but nobody is accounting for the fact that like you and I a good drink of water for the corn in the summer is beneficial but drowning is not.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cropwatcher 6-12-09

Todd Easton Coles County June 12 2009: Water logged is still the theme in our area. Virtually all Corn planting was wrapped up a week ago and since then many producers have nearly finished their soybean planting with the exception of wetter areas in the east and south parts of the county. Unfortunately this deluge from above is causing a lot of damage to this poor crop and so far preventing side dress application where it is needed. Corn that is fortunate enough to be at a higher elevation looks to be green and growing thus far and ranges from V1 to V7. The area soybean crop is around 25% emerged and will likely need spot in replanting that usually leads to obstacle course bean cutting that we all enjoy in the fall of a wet year. Wheat in the area is looking good considering the spring it has faced and is starting to turn color. Until next week keep dry.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cropwatcher 6-5-09

Things are going pretty good for the farm we completed corn planting Monday and got a start on Soybean planting on Tuesday. The new Spra Coupe is working out well so far and hopefully we can get beans in next week. My new phone has allowed me to make better videos check them out on the You Tube link.

Todd Easton Coles County June 5 2009: Progress continues all over Coles County in between rain outs. Spotty and variable showers have shortly stopped planters and then had them traveling back and forth across townships to find the dry fields. Even the most experienced farmer in the area can’t remember a year as adventurous as this one is shaping up to be. Corn planting has progressed to near complete for most areas and Soybean planting is getting a good start. Planted Corn is emerging rapidly in this warmer time of year and some of the earliest is approaching the V5 stage while some of the early Beans have come up also and are showing good stands outside of the ponds.