Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cropwatcher 6-12-09

Todd Easton Coles County June 12 2009: Water logged is still the theme in our area. Virtually all Corn planting was wrapped up a week ago and since then many producers have nearly finished their soybean planting with the exception of wetter areas in the east and south parts of the county. Unfortunately this deluge from above is causing a lot of damage to this poor crop and so far preventing side dress application where it is needed. Corn that is fortunate enough to be at a higher elevation looks to be green and growing thus far and ranges from V1 to V7. The area soybean crop is around 25% emerged and will likely need spot in replanting that usually leads to obstacle course bean cutting that we all enjoy in the fall of a wet year. Wheat in the area is looking good considering the spring it has faced and is starting to turn color. Until next week keep dry.

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