Monday, July 13, 2009

Cropwatcher 7-10-09 Scout and Wait

Bill and longtime friend Chester Higganbotham discussing the worlds biggest tractor at penfield

WOW what a machine

Todd Easton Coles County July 10 2009: We are finally in the scout and wait stage here in Coles County with possibly one more sprayer trip over the Beans being the last thing on the list of fieldwork to do. Even most of the latest planted corn made the old knee high by Fourth of July benchmark which I have always said needs to be changed to head high by the fourth if you’re talking high yielding corn nowadays. It also not surprising for this year that it did rain on our parades on the fourth with reports averaging 2” for the week that this shallow rooted crop actually did need with exception to the low spots many of which may just have to be bare dirt for the remainder of the season. Corn is ranging from V8 to pollination for the late April plantings. A very few fungicide applications have already been made and many growers are scratching their heads over weather to apply expensive fungicide in light of the recent negative market action. Soybeans are starting to look better all the time ranging from V2 to R1 stages with spray applicators running hard to shut down the very aggressive weed outbreaks out in those fields. Until next week keep cool and be sure to take time out with the family for the exciting Fairs and Farm Shows going on all around.

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