Thursday, October 29, 2009

Crop Watcher 10/30/09

Todd Easton Coles County October 30 2009: The calendar has turned again this time its saying November but looking across the countryside it is hard to believe. I never thought I would ever see so many crops still out after Halloween and I hope it is a once in a lifetime experience. Progress has been stop and go once again this week. Corn harvesters started back up over the weekend stopped again on Tuesday by rain resuming work on Wednesday and Thursday until once again more rain fell in the area that will probably keep us shut down through the weekend. Corn moisture has been showing a small improvement as many fields are being found in the lower 20’s but elevators are still having to limit wet corn deliveries on a regular basis as dryers are pushed to the limit. The remaining Soybean crop remained mostly untouched through the week as precipitation came at the wrong times. Among all the limited delivery notices from elevators there are many pictures in the e-mail of grain dryer fires at both commercial elevators and on farms. Make sure you closely monitor your dryers and clean them out on a regular basis!

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