Friday, July 9, 2010

Crop Watcher July 9 - shaping up

Todd Easton Coles County July 9 2010: It has been a good week for crops in the Coles County area as field work is almost wrapped up and crops have been developing at a steady pace. A large majority of the corn crop completed pollination with the help of near perfect temperatures and is on the path to develop some pretty good ears. Soybeans are still in the blooming process and growing steadily. Fields all over are looking much better now that the sprayers have had their chance to take care of the weeds. Farming methods of yesteryear will be revisited next weekend as the local antique tractor club fills the Fairgrounds with equipment and displays of years past. It is a great way to remember how things were and appreciate the advances modern farming has made if you are in the area we hope to see you there.

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