Thursday, August 5, 2010

Crop Watcher July 30 - Movin Along

Todd Easton Coles County July 30 2010: The calendar page has been turned over once again and has put us into the month of August already. Our corn crop is developing rapidly and I am confident that next time the calendar changes there will be several combines out in the fields getting started. Corn fields across the county are well into the dough stage with some beginning to dent. Growing degree units are just over 2100 for April 15th planted corn and should reach the standard 2700 GDU’s that is theoretically needed to mature a corn crop this month pretty easily. Soybeans have had no lack of water as they approach the full seed stage (R6) and should have a lot of potential and they work toward maturity which will be after several fields of corn have been harvested.

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