Thursday, May 26, 2011

Crop Watcher Week Five

Todd Easton Coles County May 27 2011: We almost got the third week of planting window that I asked for in last weeks report. On and off rain showers set in throughout Wednesday followed by more severe storms that evening. The rain gauges that could still be found on their posts showed just short of three inches the next morning. Many producers did complete their planting while many others got close to being done. Along side the planters sprayers got a good start on spring applications and side dress applicators got a slight start on the acres that everyone has indicated will receive late season N this year. Out in the fields crops are looking good on the high ground with the early corn well into the V3 stage and the rest in V1. There has been some damage in select corn fields from black cutworms and local agronomists are advising that fields be scouted for the problem. Soybean fields are in various stages ranging from barely emerging to approaching V2. The handful of area wheat fields are heading out and for the most part standing pretty good so far. Finally I hope everyone had a good holiday weekend and took time to thank all those who have sacrificed for our freedoms.

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