Sunday, July 10, 2011

Crop Watcher June 17 2011

Todd Easton Coles County June 17 2011: The fields keep getting greener and taller here in Coles County as this week brought us couple of mostly mild rain showers that have fueled the rapid development of the young crops. Note that I said mostly mild as the Wednesday showers were considerably harsher in the southern part of the area and caused another round of pond filling in the low areas. Corn fields are growing at an astonishing rate again this week with some of the earliest fields almost at V8 development and even many of the May planted fields closing their canopy. Soybean fields are getting greener with good soybean stands and in some fields grass. Not surprising with the ample moisture so with their jobs completed in the corn sprayers are making their rounds in the beans a bit early which may mean a two pass year for weed control. Wheat fields have all transitioned from green to almost golden and look much better than I figured they would earlier. Combines should be able to do their job in the crop around the fourth as normal and will hopefully keep the trucks hauling away pretty busy

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