Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fair Week

Todd Easton Coles County July 29 2011: Another hot and mostly dry week across the area as the stressful conditions keep whittling away at the 2011 crops potential. Precipitation was experienced a week ago Sunday (July 24) but only netted 2 to 4 tenths for most of the county. The weatherman only has a few small chances for rain among the hot temperatures in the forecast but we can only hope that maybe at least one of those will deliver the 1 plus inches of rain this crop could really use. The corn crop is showing many signs of stress especially in the May planted corn which is the vast majority of this crop. The May planted corn is at the R3 milk stage and showing signs of some pollination issues and kernel abortion. The April corn is just one stage ahead at the R4 dough stage but that has helped it weather the stressful conditions better than the later planted corn. Soybean fields are hanging in there as they seem to be sitting at the R4 full pod stage waiting for some moisture. Double crop beans are under a lot of stress and need moisture soon to have any potential at all. This week brings us the 158th Coles County Fair with all of its features, fun, festivities, and hopefully the almost traditional fair week rain shower will come in this year and do some good for the crops. Either way see you at the fair!

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