Thursday, June 17, 2010

Crop Watcher Week Eight - Beyond Saturation

Todd Easton Coles County June 18 2010: Field operations across Coles County have been curbed since last Friday (June11) afternoon and subsequent rain showers have kept fields fully saturated and flooded in spots. Sprayers have been on hold while soybean fields are coming close to canopy in narrow row plantings and getting pretty ragged looking with volunteer corn and other weeds. I have already walked into a few corn fields that are over my head and showing 9 or 10 visible collars. The rest of the corn fields are not too far behind and the whole crop is looking good with a big exception to the flooded and low spots that are actually losing color falling backward in development. The very small amount of wheat that can be found in the countryside is coming to maturity and may see a combine in the next week or two if they can stay on top of the ground. Apologies in advance for no Coles County report next week as I will be off on vacation with the girls but I am hoping to see some tassels popping out when we return.

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