Thursday, July 1, 2010

Crop Watcher July 2 - made it

Todd Easton Coles County July 2 2010: We made it through June without getting washed away but with over 8 inches of precipitation for the month some were getting worried. Several holes have appeared in corn fields that were chest high two weeks ago where the water killed even the tall healthy plants in low areas. Corn on the higher ground is looking very good for the most part with virtually all tasseled and some in the pollination stage. The familiar buzz of the yellow spray planes is a common sound as they fly to fields all over and make fungicide applications. This year many producers are worried about disease potential after the very wet spring and seem to be treating more acres than last year. Several soybean fields are beginning to bloom and looking good with exception to the low areas and weed infestations that nobody has been able to spray until this week. The sprayers have made fast progress as most herbicide applications should be done by the Fourth. What little wheat was out has been harvested in the last week with yields reported as being ok but no records set this year. By the time this hits mailboxes Independence Day will be over but I hope everyone had a good holiday and took time to appreciate this great Nation we live in and those who made it possible.

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